Policies for news media access at campuses of Manchester University
Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition. It welcomes encouraging, thoughtful, and respectful discussion.
The University operates on the principle that restrictions on news media personnel should be limited. However, education and respect for the privacy of students, faculty, staff and visitors remain our top priorities. The University requires that media adhere to the following requirements:
- Manchester is a private university, and journalists must gain permission prior to coming onto either campus in North Manchester or Fort Wayne. Please contact Anne Gregory in media relations at aggregory@bjlanjia.com (office) 260-892-5285, (cell) 260-417-5061; or University Safety at 260-982-5999, which will contact the University communications office about the request.
- Because of COVID-19, masks and social distancing may be required. Please check while gaining permission to come on campus.
- The privately held grounds at Manchester include paved walkways and grassy areas between buildings, as well as the buildings themselves.
- At the University’s discretion, journalists may report from a Manchester campus on news of public interest, which includes sports and events that are open to the public. They are expected to obey Manchester parking and other regulations and to conduct themselves in accord with the code of ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists.
- The use of still or video images of Manchester property to advocate political positions or candidacies is strictly prohibited.
- Access to all residence halls and bathrooms is strictly prohibited.
- Entry to academic buildings, classrooms offices and places of worship by journalists is limited and must be approved in advance by Anne Gregory, director of communications and media relations. At least one day’s notice is required. Access will not be granted until Gregory first secures the consent of the appropriate parties on campus. We have campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne.
- Those who are asked to leave the grounds must do so immediately. Any person who violates a no-trespass warning may be arrested and charged with criminal trespass.
In times of emergency, all of the above regulations and policies may be suspended or altered by Manchester University or law enforcement without notice.